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Your guide to achieving a zero AR practice

Over 90% of accountants and bookkeepers face late payments, with an average of 31% of invoices being paid late. However, you can avoid this issue and protect your cash flow by transitioning to a zero accounts receivable business. By adopting a growth mindset, optimizing your billing system, and effectively communicating the value you bring to clients, you can proactively manage your financial future.


This e-book offers actionable advice to help you identify and overcome challenges related to outstanding receivables, enhance your cash flow, and boost your profits by achieving a zero AR business.

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About the guide

By downloading the guide, you'll learn how to:


  • Diagnose and resolve your accounts receivable
  • Implement strategies to improve cash flow
  • Transition to a recurring revenue model
  • Effectively communicate the value of your services to clients
  • Leverage technology and automation tools to optimize your accounting processes



Your essential handbook for building a zero accounts receivable practice