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Top 3 process automations for an efficient practice

Are you looking for quick wins to create a more efficient practice heading into 2023?

Think about how much time you and your team spend carrying out repetitive but necessary tasks. What if all that could be done automatically for you? What could you and your team achieve?

Request your on-demand link

About the session

Join Ashlee Baron—Account Manager at Ignition and automation wizard—as she shares the top three processes you could automate in your practice that are huge time savers and how you can take it to the next level by implementing Ignition risk-free this ‘quiet time’.

Watch on-demand learn:

spark-orange_sRGB How to identify the processes you could automate in your practice

spark-orange_sRGB The top three automation time savers

spark-orange_sRGB How you can implement them in your practice

spark-orange_sRGB How Ignition can help

spark-orange_sRGB  Meet your host


Ashlee Baron, Customer Success Manager at Ignition

​Ashlee is a Customer Success Manager at Ignition. She is passionate about helping accounting & bookkeeping firms streamline their processes, particularly when it comes to getting paid!

With 7 years in the specialty coffee industry, Ashlee found her passion for teaching colleagues and other businesses how to use software/technology leading her to the Customer Success team at Ignition.

What gets her excited is watching firms grow their client base, improve cash flow, and most importantly, give accounting professionals back their time!

Top 3 process automations for an efficient practice

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CAANZ members may claim webinar attendance as CPD hours if personally satisfied it is professionally relevant and meets the CPD requirements set out in the CR 7 Continuing Professional Development requirements for CAANZ.

CPA Australia members may manually record webinar attendance in their CPD Diary if the activity increased knowledge or skills in relation to the member's job role or career aspiration.

IPA Members can enter their attendance to the webinar as structured CPD activity.

The Tax Institute members can record the webinar attendance as structured CPD if it is relevant to their role.
tinuing Professional Development requirements for CAANZ